
About Galloways
Galloway's has a long and proud history of serving blind and partially sighted people and are committed to reaching even more people affected by the devastation of sight loss.
Galloways remain committed in the passion to reach more people affected by sight loss with high quality, high impact services.
Our long term goal is to see a world in which every visually impaired person realises his or her hopes and dreams and fulfills their potential as an individual and a member of their own community
Galloway's work in partnership with visually impaired people, other organisations and the local community to ensure:
- People feel empowered to take control of their own lives
- Experience opportunities which may otherwise not be available
- Feel engaged and a valuable member of their own community
- Have access to information, allowing people to make informed decisions about all aspects of their lives
How can Galloway's help?
Galloway's specialist staff are on hand to help those experiencing sight loss. They provide emotional support alongside practical information when and where it is needed most.
Galloway's aim to be there for you right from the start of your sight loss journey, helping you to understand your eye condition and supporting you through the early stages. They also provide practical help and advice on living with sight loss, keeping your independence and help and information about registration, benefits and concessions.
We firmly believe that sight loss should be no barrier to enjoying the same social and leisure opportunities of sighted people.
Throughout the year Galloway's offer numerous sports, social and leisure opportunities for blind and partially sighted people throughout Lancashire and Sefton.
Many of these are operated by Galloway's but others are run by independent groups of visually impaired people with support from Galloway's.
Newly Diagnosed
Galloway's will help you adapt to the changes in your life in order for you to see a brighter future.
Being diagnosed with any form of sight loss can be overwhelming, Galloway's can help you come to terms with both the emotional impact of sight loss and also provide practical help to ensure you can live an independent life.