Cosy Homes in Lancashire

Cosy homes in Lancashire provides you with cost effective ways of keeping your house warm whether you own or privately rent.
About Cosy homes in Lancashire
Cosy homes in Lancashire is a partnership of the 14 Local Authorities in Lancashire, offering residents in the region access to free first time central heating, gas connections, affordable heating solutions, energy advice and support on a range of money saving energy measures to help you keep warm and save money.
Full Range of Energy Measures
The list below shows the full range of energy measures Cosy homes in Lancashire offer. You can also apply today to have one of their energy experts contact you to see how they can help you save money on your heating and energy bills.
Apply today to be contacted by an energy expert
- Air Source Heat Pump
- Solar Panels
- Room in Roof Insulation
- Solid Wall Insulation
- Residential Park Homes
- LPG Heating
- Cavity Wall Insulation
- Insulate Your Loft
Did you know that you do not have to be on benefits to get help with improving the energy efficiency of your home?
Find out which services you are eligible for by answering one simple question:
Do you live in Lancashire with a household income of less than £36,000 or do you receive an income or disability related benefit of some kind (including Tax Credits, Carers Allowance, Attendance Allowance etc)?