Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous is a local support group that use the same 12-step approach to recovery from addiction as alcoholics anonymous.
Gambling Anonymous Preston
Studies show that attending self-help support groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous (GA), plays a significant role in recovery from addiction.
- Venue - St Wilfrid's Church Hall Chapel Street, Preston, PR1 8BU
- Day and Time - Friday 7.30pm - 9.30pm
- Email -
- Telephone - 07974 668 999
- Parking - Chapel Street is off Fishergate. There is on-street parking around Winckley Square.
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak the meeting will be closed until further notice.
Visit the Gamblers Anonymous Website
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others do the same.
This site offers various aids for the compulsive gambler including a forum, a chat room, literature and most importantly a meeting finder.
Compulsive gambling is recognised as an emotional illness. As wives, husbands, partners, siblings, children or friends of compulsive gamblers we know that living with this illness can prove a devastating experience.
Family relationships can become unbearably strained and the home filled with bitterness, frustration and resentment. There seems to be no way to solve our insurmountable difficulties; so much so that we are unable to think rationally at times.
If you are affected by someone else's gambling then Gam-Anon can help!
The meetings are for anyone who has been affected by a loved one's gambling problem. We have been where you are now. By sharing in our rooms you will find that you are not alone!
GamAnon and GA meetings are usually held on the same nights but in separate rooms. What is said in each room is kept confidential so that members in both rooms don't need to worry about sharing their problems or concerns