Diggy Sticks Community Woodland Centre CIC

About Diggy Sticks
Diggy Sticks is a community woodland space being developed in order to deliver sessions based around the ethos of forest school to work towards better health and well-being for a cross section of the community in the South Ribble and Preston areas.
Diggy Sticks aims to offer the benefits of accessing a woodland space to the local community supporting physical and mental health in all ages and abilities.
The project will focus on develop participants team working skills, self-esteem, confidence and practical skills, which can then be transferred to day to day life.
Sessions will help participants to develop positive sense of self as well as collaborative working through tailored sessions and supported activities such as bush crafts, storytelling, fence building and environmental identification.
Diggy Sticks Services
Diggy Sticks will offer both Forest School sessions and Woodland learning experience as well as family session and private events.
- Forest School Sessions
- Woodland learning sessions
- Experiential Session
- Parties
- Home School groups
- Stay and play