Lancashire Care - Community Restart service

Community Restart
Community Restart is a modern, forward thinking service that has co-production with service users at its heart.
It is dedicated to improving quality of life, promoting opportunities and improving the outcome for people across Lancashire.
Community Restart works in partnership with people who:
- Access the service
- Carers
- Mental health specialists
- Employment providers
- Housing services
- Third sector agencies
- Sports and arts communities
- Education providers
- Environmental agencies
Community Restart provide the opportunities and community connections for individuals to improve their health and wellbeing.
Access to the service is based on the complexity of the individuals' employment and social inclusion needs, and not the degree and nature of mental ill health or symptoms.
If you think 'Community Restart' can provide the support you require then please contact your mental health worker or contact Community Restart directly for information.
Partnership Working
The Community Restart Service is characterised by partnerships and joint working.
Fundamentally the service has sought to shift the service away from historical models that focused on needs and deficits, to one of personal aspiration, which promotes individual talents, skills and assets.
Key to this is the delivery model established in Central Lancashire, which is delivered by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Making Space and Richmond Fellowship, two organisations from the Volunteer Community and Faith Sector (VCFS).
All partners have a profound and enduring conviction in the tenets of social inclusion as a means to promote recovery.
The experience to date evidences the importance of joint initiatives with partners and how these can effectively challenge traditional perspectives linked to mental ill health.
Core hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm hours although may vary according to service user needs.
Some activities will take place in the evenings and at weekend.