Change Talks

About Change Talk
Change Talk are a service based within the NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust that offers mental health education for all.
Change Talk deliver educational programmes, workshops and events focusing on mental health.
Change Talks mission is to revolutionise the way we think, talk and act about mental health.
Change Talks aim to reduce the stigma, increase awareness and promote coping strategies, leading to a healthier and happier mind.
Change Talk Services
Schools and colleges
Change Talks key focus has been working with schools and colleges.
The main aim is to prevent mental health issues and also to provide early intervention to those who require further support.
The schools programme has been designed by those with lived experience and mental health professionals.
Change Talks has worked with over 35,000 11-18 year olds since the beginning of 2018, delivering education on topics such as anxiety, depression, social media and drug use.
Change Talks offer a six week programme for high schools, to work with groups of up to 30 pupils to engage in this thought provoking programme.
The programme is split into six one hour sessions which consist of;
- Lived experience talk - reducing stigma and an introduction to mental health
- Depression - The science behind this and the negative thought process
- Anxiety - What does feeling anxious mean? Social anxiety focus
- Self-harm - Why do people do this? Techniques to stop this
- Bullying and social media - Is it real? Why do we compare?
- Positive coping strategies
Train the trainer pilot
In order to embed the Change Talks service into schools across Lancashire and South Cumbria, the service is undergoing a transformation into a train the trainer model.
The train the trainer model will teach pastoral teams or selected teachers in high schools to deliver the Change Talks sessions.
The topics covered would be;
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Self-harm
- Peer pressure
- Manipulation
- Communication
- Sexual Health
- Learning Disabilities
- Smoking and Drugs
- Social Media
- Knife Crime
- Eating Disorders
- Coping Strategies
Change Talks Events
Change Talks events provide a variety of topics, ranging on mental health issues, alongside professionals delivering talks on how to create a healthier mind.
Many speakers have lived experience of mental health, many of which share their own powerful story of how they deal or how they overcame mental health issues. Utilising lived experience creates a truly inspirational event.
One area in which we are passionate with at Change Talks, is utilising functional medicine.
Some of the speakers are well respected professionals within the health and well-being community.
Change Talks have health and fitness entrepreneurs, educating the public on exercise and nutrition advice. Not only this, but they provide speakers who deliver insightful talks on mindfulness and mediation.
Change Talks hosts events for other organisations and helps support businesses, third sector organisations or even individuals to run their events. If you would like support, whether this be designing your event or your need a host/speaker then please do get in touch.
Change Talks business
Change Talks offer workplace seminars and workshops to give company employees an understanding of the signs for mental health illnesses.
1 in 3 current sick related leave days is directly related to mental health well-being.
Change Talks want to deliver talks which enable people to understand and cope with mental health more.
Sessions can be tailored to your needs, including talks on;
- work place stress
- anxiety
- coping strategies
- negative thoughts.