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Quick Tips on Mental Health support from the NHS

Quick tips

We all feel down from time to time, no matter our age. You can find information and tips on keeping mentally healthy at Every Mind Matters.

Speak to your GP practice about NHS Talking Therapies if you are anxious, depressed or struggling to cope. They can help you - physically and mentally - and can refer you to the right service.

You can also self-refer by visiting the NHS website - talking therapies for anxiety and depression.

If you live with serious mental illness, you are entitled to a free NHS annual health check - talk to your GP, key worker or mental health service to book it.

If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call NHS 111 and press Option 2 for 24-hour mental health advice and support.

Information and contact details are available on the NHS website - Where to get urgent help for mental health.

For more information to see how you can beat the winter blues, visit - LSC Integrated Care Board, Beat the winter blues.