ICANN - Independent Community Advocacy Network North

Assessment and Benefit Appeals Service
ICANN provide advocacy support at health assessments and appeal tribunals for Personal Independence Payments, Employment Support Allowance and Universal Credit (disability element).
An advocate can prepare you for your health assessment or appeal tribunal, explain the process, know what to expect and provide information.
An ICANN advocate can attend the assessment with you, whether it is at an assessment centre, over the telephone or via video link, help you get your voice heard and support you to provide information to the assessor.
Disability Benefit Form Filling Support Service
ICANN offer help to those who are looking for support in filling out Personal Independent Payment (PIP), Work Capability assessments (WCA), Attendance Allowance or Child DLA forms.
As part of this process, we may support you to complete Subject Access Requests (SARs) for medical or social care information to help support your claim for the benefit for which you are applying.
These services are available to those who live outside Lancashire on a payable basis. ICANN may be able to signpost you to other services in your area.
Financial Inclusion Project
One to one support for individuals who may require some extra support to maximise their benefits, deal with debt, increase budgeting skills, access more affordable borrowing solutions, or appropriate banking services.
ICANN can also help with other finance issues such as applying for grants.
"There should be more people out there like your volunteers for vulnerable people like me. Advocate was absolutely lovely; without her help I probably wouldn't have even gone to the assessment."
Contacting ICANN
You can contact ICANN for further help and support via:
- Telephone - 01772 746061
- Email - admin@i-cann.org.uk
If we are unable to help you, we will signpost you to other organisations in your area who may be able to help.