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Work Clubs

Work Clubs in Preston

Whether you are taking your first steps to look for work or want to start a new venture, work clubs provide practical support and guidance to help you on your employment journey.

Work Clubs provide plenty of support and guidance including:

  • Friendly and informal advice
  • Writing or revamping your CV
  • Searching for jobs online
  • Filling in application forms
  • Build your confidence
  • Interview preparation
  • Information on relevant courses and projects

Volunteering in a Work Club

Many of the Work Clubs are run by volunteers and  actively welcome new volunteers.

Roles could include helping to set up the room, greeting people when they arrive, offering computer and ICT support, helping with job searches and much more!

If you are interested in volunteering at a Work Club please contact: communityinvolvementteam@preston.gov.uk

Current work clubs available

If you are interested in setting up your own Work Club, please call 01772 903404.

Wednesday Work Clubs

PUKAR - Disability Resource Centre

Venue - 3/5 Oakham Court, Preston, PR1 3XP

Time - 1pm - 3pm 

Telephone - 01772 822700

Thursday Work Clubs

CAP Job Club

Venue - Penwortham Community Centre, Kingsfold Drive, Preston  PR1 9EQ

Time - 10am - 12.30pm

Telephone - 07542 736095

Email - jobclub@kingschurchfm.org.uk


Venue - 49 Whitby Avenue, Ingol, Preston PR2 3YP

Time - 2.00pm - 4.00pm - Please ring to book a one to one support session.

Telephone - 01772 760760

Friday Work Clubs

Sahara Bilingual work club for women

Venue - 48 Fishwick Parade, Preston  PR1 4XQ

Time - 10am - 12pm

Telephone - 01772 702090

Monday - Friday Work clubs

Preston Muslim Forum

Venue - Rear of 158 Castleton Road, Preston PR1 6QH

Time - 10am - 3pm Monday to Thursday, by appointment only

Telephone - 01772 889431

Sahara Bilingual Work Club for men and women - drop in

Venue - 48 Fishwick Parade, Preston  PR1 4XQ

Time - 10am - 12pm

Telephone - 01772 702090