Rethink - Mental illness

About Rethink Mental Illness
People with experience of mental illness, and those who care for them, are at the heart of everything rethink do.
They shape expert advice, information and training, and 90 services. They also drive campaigning and help to run over 140 local support groups. Supporting all this life-changing work are our incredible supporters, volunteers and staff members.
Rethink Services
Rethink are experts in mental illness and know that with the right support and information people severely affected by mental illness can have a good quality of life.
That's why rethink aim is to meet each person's individual needs and make sure everyone living with a mental illness is treated with dignity and respect.
Services offered include:
- Support groups and services
- Advice and information services
- Mental health service provider
- Community mental health unit
- Making change happen
- Mental health training
- Mental health breathing space - the scheme will help take the pressure off people with debt issues while they are receiving crisis treatment and up to 30 days after.
- Trust Corporation - simple, reliable service lets you set up a trust fund for your loved one,