Food Access

Free School Meals
If you are in receipt of benefits and you have children, you may be entitled to free school meals. This link re-directs you to Lancashire County Council's website.

Healthy Start Scheme
Updated Scheme - If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

Get Stuck in - Holiday activities for kids
All children and young people eligible for Free School Meals or identified by local agency referral as In Need, are entitled to Free holiday club sessions, with a meal each day.

Lunch Clubs
There are numerous lunch clubs in churches and community venues across Preston.

Community Pantry
On Tuesdays between 10am - 12pm, Ascension Church host a Community Pantry, which is a little like an informal food bank.

Holiday Market Project
The project aims to provide access to affordable food for families over the school holidays and when children are not receiving a free school lunch.

Whitby's Pantry and Homemade - your local food hub
The Whitby Pantry is open Tuesday and Wednesday, where you can access a weekly shop for all your essentials for just £5.