Preston Domestic Violence Services

About Preston Domestic Violence Services
Preston Domestic Violence Services is the first organisation in Preston which exists solely to support adults and children experiencing (or having experienced) Domestic Violence.
It is a sad fact, that in the past year over 4,000 women and girls aged between 16 and 59 have suffered from Domestic Violence in Preston alone! (source - The Government's violence against women and girls ready reckoner).
"Working to End Domestic Violence"
Preston Domestic Violence Services Vision
PDVS recognise that they cannot work to end domestic violence on their own and so this vision will only be able to be worked towards in collaboration with other agencies.
A charity that relies on grants and fundraising to run their services. The challenge for the forthcoming year is to secure funding so that they can maintain the services and meet the ever-increasing demand.
PDVS services are confidential, free and available to everyone.
Victims/survivors can contact PDVS directly or may be referred by another agency.
Staff and volunteers are specially trained to provide information, help and support to victims/survivors and agencies.
Due to funding restrictions all PDVS services only cover the area of Preston. Where they cannot help you, they will try their best to signpost you to another agency.