Smokefree Lancashire

About the Smokefree Lancashire
Smokefree Lancashire provides and delivers evidence based tobacco and nicotine addiction treatment interventions to people who wish to quit their nicotine addictions.
Support is free and stop smoking medications will be provided by way of a voucher or prescription request for the service user's GP (subject to prescription charges where applicable).
Carbon monoxide readings will be carried out and where the criteria is met, lung health checks.
Smokefree Lancashire are here to help
Smokefree Lancashire are currently providing telephone support sessions across Lancashire (excluding Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen).
Smokefree Lancashire is a free service and can help anyone over the age of 12. They provide you with guidance on the stop smoking products available and support on changing your routines and behaviour, over a 12 week program.
You are 3 times more likely to quit with support than on your own so visit Smokefree Lancashire to quit now!
Free Stop Smoking Apps
Download these free apps, from Google Play or App Store, for 24/7 support when you quit smoking.