The Lancashire Carers Service

The Lancashire Carers Service is delivered in partnership by N-Compass and Carers Link Lancashire.
The service is commissioned by Lancashire County Council and provides carers with information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help Carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.
We work directly with individual Carers to discuss their concerns and needs and design a tailored personalised support package.
Support available includes:
- Carers' Assessments and reviews
- Coffee and Chat support groups in North, Central and East Lancashire
- Regular magazines and bulletins providing information on local groups, activities, and courses
- Understanding dementia courses
- Support for contingency and emergency planning
- A huge range of Digital resources
- Access to a CHAT line manned by empathetic and helpful Volunteers; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Access to our Volunteer Befriending and Sitting in Services to help Carers take a break from caring and provide additional company and support
- Access to other community, health, and wellbeing services
- Opportunities to volunteer, make friends and provide support for others
- Invite to join the Carers' Community Network to share their experiences and make new friends.
We also offer free carer awareness training for organisations and businesses who may be able to support unpaid carers. These training sessions can be face-to-face or via zoom.
Do you have a family member, friend or neighbour who cannot manage without your support?
1 in 8 adults are now providing unpaid care.
Who is a Carer?
A Carer is someone who cares for a family member, friend or neighbour who could not manage without their support.
Whether they require care because of mental illness, disability, health, age, or substance misuse problems.
Caring for someone covers lots of different things, like helping with their washing, dressing or eating, taking them to regular appointments, or offering emotional support.
Caring for someone who relies on you can sometimes bring practical and emotional impacts which may affect your health and wellbeing.
Do you relate to any of the below? If so, we may be able to help you:
- Do you get enough sleep?
- Is your health affected?
- Are you thinking about giving up work to care?
- Do you get any time to yourself?
- Do you worry about what would happen to the person you care for if something should happen to you?
The Lancashire Carers Service works across the county providing support and information to adult Carers (18+).
Support available includes
- Specialist 1-2-1 and group support
- Magazines twice a year detailing local groups, activities and courses
- Carers Assessments
- Support with planning for contingency or an emergency
- Support to access community and Health and Wellbeing services
- A 24/7 Volunteer manned Carers Help and Talk (chat) Line
- Volunteer Befriending and Sitting-In services
- Support for former Carers
- Volunteering opportunities for Carers, including volunteering for the chat-line, Befriending and Sitting-In services
- Carers Awareness Briefings for professionals
In addition all registered carers will be invited to join the Carers' Community Network to share their experiences and make new friends.
Download the Lancashire Carers Service leaflet. (PDF, 435 KB)
About Lancashire Carers Service
The Lancashire Carers Service offers support to Carers through the delivery of:
- Carers Assessments
- Peace of Mind 4 Carers Plans
- One to One and group support
- A programme of activities such as 30-minute massage, Afternoon Tea
- Support to access community and Health and Wellbeing services
- A 24/7 Volunteer manned Carers Help and Talk (chat) Line
To contact the Lancashire Carers Service, email:, or phone: 0345 688 7113 (option 2).
Lancashire Carers Service Magazine
The Autumn and Winter 2023 edition of the Lancashire Carers Service Magazine is now available.
We are continuing to offer our face-to-face groups, coffee and chats and activities whilst it is safe to do so, if you have access to the internet, please keep an eye on our social media pages for any changes you can follow us on Facebook, or visit our website.
Please call us to book your place on any activities or training or if you need extra information about any of the activities in the magazine.
Download the Lancashire Carers Newsletter - Autumn/Winter 2023 edition.
n-compass and Carers Link Lancashire Services
n-compass delivers the services in North and Central Lancashire and the services in the East are delivered by Carers Link Lancashire.
n-compass provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help Carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.
n-compass work directly with individual Carers to discuss their concerns and needs, and design a tailored personalised support package.