Recycling Lives

About Recycling Lives
Recycling Lives is recognised as a UK leader for combining business and charity.
Using the commercial operations in recycling and waste management to support and sustain charity programmes for offender rehabilitation, residential support and food redistribution - means they create more than just environmental and financial value from activities, but significant social value too.
Recycling Lives Services
Recycling Lives work is doing more than just changing lives for individuals, families and communities.
Between 2015 and 2019 it has created huge savings for society by reducing costs to the taxpayer and creating social value worth millions of pounds.
Recycling Lives are reducing:
- HMP Academies - reoffending by rehabilitating offenders through training and employment;
- Residential Programme - supporting homeless men through stable accommodation and opportunities for training and employment;
- Food Re-Distribution - supporting community groups by redistributing surplus food to ensure they can feed vulnerable groups.
Recycling Lives define Social Value as the savings created for society by their activities - whether for local or national government, or for community groups or individuals.
Recycling Lives work creates these savings by:
- supporting homeless men - saving the taxpayer on costs for welfare dependency
- reducing reoffending - saving the taxpayer on costs within the criminal justice system
- redistributing food to support community groups - saving charitable organisations running costs for food