S.E.E.D. Lancashire

About S.E.E.D. Lancashire
We offer free online support groups for those suffering from disordered eating and their loved ones.
We are a volunteer led organisation, consisting of volunteers who have a passion to raise awareness for mental health and eating disorders. Some of our volunteers have recovered from eating disorder themselves or have
previously been carers for those with an eating disorder.
We strongly believe that people suffering with an eating disorder can get better, and that full recovery is possible.
S.E.E.D runs regular free online support groups including: Drop-In, Support Group and the Carer's Advice and Information Clinic.
S.E.E.D was founded in 2007 by our Chief Executive Director Shelley Perry, and the organisation is based on Christian values to support those suffering with eating disorders and people affected by eating disorders.
One our aims here at S.E.E.D is to help individuals to grow, develop and flourish. We have a range of services and support groups available to provide information, advice, education, resources and practical help to sufferers' and carers' online via Zoom. Check out our current services below!
Drop in:
11-1pm every Saturday, Quayside House off Chain Caul Way, Preston Docks
Support Group:
7-8.30pm fortnightly on Fridays, Quayside House off Chain Caul Way, Preston Docks