Preston Volunteers

Making volunteering in Preston easy to access, fulfilling and life-changing for everyone.
We will give you the chance to give help where it is most needed and make a real difference in our community.
The time you give as a volunteer will support you in your own life too: building your skills and experience and boosting your well-being. We offer free training to get you ready for volunteering.
There are so many ways to help, ranging from driving to deliver food to local food banks, using your computer skills to help community groups and charities with websites and social media, working with youth groups and cadets, to spending time outdoors helping to grow vegetables in community gardens.
Preston Volunteers Vision
We want Preston to be the place where volunteering is the life force of the community. We want to be the catalyst of that movement: known for inspiring people to make a difference - making our community better together.
Preston Volunteering Fund
Preston City Council, in collaboration with Preston Volunteers, has launched a new fund to enable, encourage and reward volunteering across the city of Preston.
This fund aims to support Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise organisations (VCFSE) to increase their capacity to improve volunteer participation and retention and create new volunteering opportunities in and around the city.
Groups can bid for up to £10,000 for this purpose (there is no minimum amount you can apply for).