Lancashire Women

You can also leave a voicemail out of hours and someone will get back in touch with you. Alternatively complete their online form.
About Lancashire Women
Lancashire Women are a leading charity, with an average of 8000 women accessing their services each year.
Lancashire Women empower women to live safer, happier and more positive lives. They offer support with:
- Mental health and wellbeing - 1 to 1 sessions and group sessions available
- Employment support
- Money Advice (including budgeting, benefits and debt)
- Energy Advice (including bills and energy saving tips)
- Justice and Safety team - all of our projects work to reduce the risk of reoffending or prevent the criminalisation of women with multiple and complex needs
To access support please complete the online referral form and a member of the team will be contact.
Move forward into work with support from Lancashire Women
The Move Forward employment project which is funded by Preston Council, is where Lancashire Women are working with women aged 25 and over who are classed as economically inactive, (no current requirement to work or job seek) and held back by multiple barriers to employment, including:
- No or low skills / work experience
- Poor physical or mental health
- Caring responsibilities
- Lack of motivation, aspiration and trust
- Experience of criminality
- Drug and/or alcohol abuse
- Experience of domestic violence
- Poor experience within the care system
- Benefit dependency
- Homelessness
- Financial difficulties
- Social isolation or loneliness
Visit Lancashire Women's Moving Forward Scheme
Where Lancashire Women are based?
Lancashire Women have five venues in Accrington, Blackpool, Burnley, Blackburn and Preston.
They also offer group support (via Zoom) and outreach support at venues in Preston, Chorley, Colne, Lancaster, Morecambe and Rossendale.
How can you help Lancashire Women ?
There are lots of ways you can support Lancashire Women including, making a donation, fundraising and spreading the word via X - Lancashire Women, Facebook - Lancashire Women and Instagram - Lancashire Women.
Hey Preston we're back!
Lancashire Women's Preston centre is now open, and we would love to invite you along to their Open Day on Tuesday 25 June, between 2pm - 5pm so you can celebrate with them on their return to the city.
You'll be able to meet the team, have a look at the new facilities, sample a workshop and enjoy some refreshments.
What to expect
The centre will be officially opened by Sarah Threlfall, who is the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Community and Wellbeing at Preston City Council.
The Lancashire Women's CEO will be doing a presentation, there will be workshops, networking opportunities and plenty of nibbles and refreshments.
Do I need to book?
If you are able to attend the event, please can you let Lancashire Women know by reserving a spot through the try booking website.