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Learning, Working and Volunteering

Flat line design website banner of learning process, brain process, creativity, innovation, learn to think.

Here in Preston there is plenty of support to help you on your journey.

There are lots of different routes that people can take to upskill, volunteer and gain employment.

This is personal to each individual and depends on many factors including aspirations, personal commitments, care needs, financial situations and skill sets.

Work Clubs

Work clubs are a friendly and free service run by local community organisations who offer support with C.V. writing, job searches, application forms, interview skills and building confidence.

Learning and Skill development

Across the city there are a range of training providers, further education settings and community organisations that can support you to reach your potential.


Volunteering can help you to learn new skills, build confidence, make new friends, or simply take pleasure in being a part of something or supporting a cause that you believe in.

Fortnightly Job Bulletin

Twice a month the bulletin will be updated to show a range of Jobs, Apprenticeships, Trainee Positions, Volunteering and Training opportunities.

Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub

The Escalate tool helps individuals find support to get them back into work. By answering a few simple questions you will find the opportunities near to you which meet your needs. The link re-directs you to the Lancashire Skills website.

Places to study in Preston

Disability Confident scheme

Disability Confident scheme

Disability confident employers that have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme.
See more Go to Disability Confident scheme