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Cost of Living Community Event

The key actions from the Cost of Living Community Event which took place on Thursday 9 February 2023.

Key discussion points

  • Household Support Fund still ongoing with an underspend so please do promote to your service users, current round of funding closes 31/03/2023.  Please encourage pensioners and people with disabilities to apply.  
  • Marc to send information in different languages if this is needed please email m.dunne@preston.gov.uk
  • Issue around rates for community groups as the cost increases.
  • Lancashire Adult Learning can provide free training, including healthy eating, managing on a budget, cost of living and volunteering courses etc.
  • Preston community hub are providing a warm space in the evening 5pm - 7pm.
  • A need for DBS checks. Councillor khan to look into what support can be provided to groups regarding this.
  • St Matthews providing a warm space however little uptake. Is there an opportunity to connect with other groups.
  • Councillor Khan to look into library figures of those who are accessing this for a warm space.
  • Lancashire Veterans group happy to support any organisations whos service users may benefit from their support.
  • Issue around pre-payment metres. CAB can support and give vouchers. This can be accessed online.
  • Potentially link with paypoint to see how the Household Support Fund can support individuals on prepayment.
  • Concern for the eastern European community who are using no illegal but immoral services that charge to 'manage' their job centre accounts.
  • There is a gap in Warm space provision from 3.30pm-6pm where children are especially affected.